Yana Koshkina

Yana Koshkina has starred more than 30 roles in television series and actively participates in TV projects of Federal TV-channels.

In 2017, together with Pavel Priluchny, Yana Koshkina acted as a co-host of the TV show "Kings of phonogram" on TV channel One. "Kings of phonogram" is the debut of the "Antikaraoke" format in the domestic TV air, as well as the debut of the main major of the country and the main sex-symbol of the first channel in the role of TV presenters!

"Kings of phonogram" - the Russian version of the world TV hit "Lip Sync Battle", the participants of which from among the celebrities play on stage musical hits... under the soundtrack! At the same time, the winner of each issue of the program determines by the dance floor with the help of a "noise meter", and the championship belt is awarded to the one whom the audience in the Studio will support louder.

Yana Koshkina participated in TV projects "MaximMaxim", "the Voice", "Who wants to be a millionaire?", "Comedy Club", "Fashion Verdict", "Best of all", "Control purchase" and other popular TV-shows.


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